Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Right now I really should be studying for my finite math test I have tomorrow...but, what normal college student acts so prudently? Instead, I have been surfing the good ol' net endlessly. I happened to stumble upon Christina's blog and I was jealous of how funny her posts are and of how she gets to see Rowan all the time.

I feel so out of the loop being back in Como. I still can't quite put my finger on whether or not I would be happier back home without Justin, or here without my family and other friends. And I can't help feeling like I am such a financial burden on mom and dad. It sucks going from being the most loved child (sorry, Christina and Shanna) that has free college, works all the time, and makes straight A's, and now is the most expensive, needy child that makes barely any money and never talks to her family!!!

I will be back home this weekend to help mom and dad move. I am so excited for them. They are some of the most determined, driven people I have ever met. I can only hope to be like them when I am building or remodeling my own house. Their house is simply amazing. It is so different from the last house, but I LOVE it. It is much more simple and classic, in my opinion.

Anyways, I am hitting up the rec center here in a half hour or so. I gotta lose some of this stinking beer weight!! And probably start drinking a little less...haha. I actually have been doing a pretty good job not drinking a lot on the weekends like I used to. I have limited it to one night a week. Yes, people, that is quite a feat in a college town. With all those $2 pitchers and $1 bottles of beer slapping you in the face. Sheesh, lay off me.

Well I should probably start getting ready to leave!

Until next time,

Try to lay off that drinking, folks.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I have been sitting at home for the past, oh....three or four hours, relaxing, reading, veggin out. You know, the usual. And now the inevitable time has come for me to grow restless and antsy, while being slightly sleepy at the same time. This is the usually the reason why I have a hard time falling asleep when I have too much time on my hands. It's a shame that I have to be this way tonight, considering Rowan is coming over in the morning and I want to get up extra early to see him before I have to head to work.

Oh, cursed work. I honestly thought taking a four-month hiatus from serving would allow me to develop some sort of new appreciation or nostalgic feelings towards my old job. Sadly, that is not the case. It's a strange feeling, serving. Every new table I go to (unless they are surprisingly very polite and gracious) I secretly despise and am jealous of. I want to be the one going out to lunch or dinner and visiting with my friends/family. The hilarious thing is that sometimes the tables I hate the most are the ones that turn out to be the nicest at the end of the dinner/lunch. I smile my fake smile that you take as "wow, that girl really LOVES her job" when in reality I am really thinking "give me your money". I am quite the deceiver. Mwah haha. And these hidden dark thoughts I so slyly think are the only things that get my through each wretched shift. Pretty messed up, right?

Man, I just reread that paragraph and I am a little shocked. Partly because of how true it is and partly because of how bitter I have become.

Changing the subject....

Today I went to lunch with some friends I have had since junior high and high school. Emily, Rachel, Breezy, Marissa, Julie, and I all went to Red Robin (gross) and it was really fun. We gossiped just as young ladies should do and oo'ed and ahh'ed over Breezy's new eyebrow piercing and Rachel's peace sign tattoo. We laughed about how we are all getting tatted up and pieced! Facial piercings are always fun.

It made me really miss high school. Well, maybe not high school, but more of the social atmosphere it provided. I have never been a person with a ton of friends or anything, but since graduating I have definitely missed all the people I hung out with, especially the ones at the Rad Pad. I hope we all come back together after we graduate college and reminisce about old times.

Ope, I think I'm starting to feel sleepier!! Maybe sleep will finally come!

Til next time,


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pride and Prejudice


Seeing as both my sisters have blogs, I thought it was time for me to catch up. I agree completely with Shanna's first blog. Life moves so fast and it's impossible to anticipate what will happen next.

This is my first year away from home, and a trying time it has been. MU is a fantastic place, don't get me wrong. Nothing this exciting has happened to me in a long time and I will never regret my decision to move to Columbia; however, I do regret expecting everything to go according to my perfect, calculated little plan. Classes are harder than I ever expected, my roommates are...let's just say not what I imagined them to be, and being away from family is much more difficult than I ever imagined.

I consider myself an independent and responsible person. I take pride in earning my own money, making straight A's, and having a pristine room/home. Some people would describe me as anal, but I would honestly consider that a compliment. Of course, me a "planner", would have my life turned upside down when deciding to take that plunge and move to Columbia. That was something especially uncharacteristic of me, seeing as how I don't do too well with change. Moving away has taken me on a road I never imagined myself to be on and it has changed me for the best (at least I hope and pray).

Making those grades pushed me to my limits and opened my eyes to my own possibilities and inner strength. My roommates are definitely not up to par with my level of cleanliness and this has taught me patience and tolerance. Making $7 a friggin hour has forced me to practice self-control. No longer can I go on random shopping sprees and eat out whenever I fancy.

The point I am evidently trying to make is that these past few months have been hell and the phrase "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" has never rang more true. I am a better person from all of these things. Perhaps a slightly more stressed out and neurotic person, but definitely better.

It is so amazing being home for this break. Rowan's adorable little face and happy personality are some of the most valuable things in my life. I am so blessed to have two awesome sisters, such supportive parents, and all-in-all a family I would do anything for.

Hopefully working at my old job will be bearable and I will spend quality time with friends and family I don't see very often.

Well, that's all for now.

More soon-
